
Saturday, February 5, 2011


Stomatitis is inflamation of the mouth. it may be due to micro-organisms or nutritional deficiencies. 

Aetiology (general)

- Pathogenic organisms including bacteria and viruses
- Mechanical trauma
- Irritants such as alcohol, tobacco, hot foods, spices
- Sensitization to chemical substances in toothpaste or mouthwashes
- Nutritional deficiencies, especially avitaminosis 
- Blood disorders
- Poison by drugs, especially heavy metals
- Certain skin disorders
- Systemic infections such as measles, scarlet fever, syphilis 

Clinical features (general)

- Heat
- Pain
-Increased flow of saliva
- Foul smelling of breath
- Restlessness
- Sometimes fever

Prevention (general)

- Good oral hygiene
- Brushing the teeth at least once a day (preferably twice-before sleeping and on waking up)
- Adequate use of antiseptic mouth wash
- Balanced diet

Management (general)

      -  Topical anesthetic or salicylic paste
·     - Topical steroids
- Tetracycline mouth wash

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